Kickstart Your Day!
Would you like to feel strong and energized throughout your day? Does the thought of staying on task and focused sound really attractive...

Ramp Up Your Rest!
When I assess clients to see what their issues are, I routinely ask how they're sleeping. I've done this for years and I'm always amazed...

Amazing Resources
Every now and then I try to share some resources I've come across that have helped me and, I believe, can help my clients as well. So...

Could You Use Motivation To Exercise?
Hi Everyone – You may have heard that I’m moving into Health & Wellness Coaching for women 50 and above. I’ve actually been doing it for...

What's Your Word?
A Word of the Year is a consistent reminder to focus on creating positive change. Use your Word of the Year to help guide your decisions...

Change is Work, but Totally Worth It!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends. If you're like me, you probably ate a bit too much (or more than a...

5 Best Ways to Lower Your Anxiety - Naturally!
It's probably no great surprise to find that stress and anxiety have increased significantly due to Covid. Even with things starting to...

How NOT To Act Your Age!
I don't know about you, but I'm not particularly fond of getting older. Having recently watched my Dad develop Alzheimer's, decline...

Drink Up!
You've probably heard that we should all drink 6-8 glasses of water a day - right? Would you like to guess how many of us actually do...

Grow Yourself!
In the past year and a half, I think we’ve all been shaken up – not always in a good way. So it’s really important to take good care of...