Healthy In-take, Healthy Out-take
Healthy In-take, Healthy Out-take We’re almost finished with January and I’m sure some of you made New Year’s resolutions. Most of them...

Choose to Move!
Choose to Move! I’m going to ask a personal question here – how active are you? Research suggests that about 80% of American adults...

Ask for Help
Ask for Help I’m writing about choices this year and sometimes making the right choice can be the easy part. The tricky bit can be...

Looking Out for Number One
Looking Out for Number One I mentioned last week that this year I’ll be writing about choices we make, and how they can affect us and...

It's Your Choice!
It’s Your Choice! Yesterday was the first day of 2018 and now we have an entire new, uncluttered, full-of-possibilities year stretching...

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year Did everyone have a good Christmas? I know I did! I realize it sounds corny, but Christmas really...

Get Up and Move!
Get Up and Move! It’s the holiday season and that’s great – right? Parts of it are amazing – seeing friends and family, opening...

Keep It Real!
Keep It Real! I love Christmas – pretty much everything about it. The cooler weather, putting holiday decorations out, bundling up in...

Go Ahead, Have Some Fun!
Go Ahead, Have Some Fun! I see a lot of clients who are stressed, depressed, anxious or a combination of all 3. When I do an assessment...

Reframe It
Reframe It Oftentimes we don’t get what we want, or what we think we want, in life. But in psychology we talk about a, “positive...