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Tis the Season

Tis the Season

I know this sounds trite, but Christmas is my favorite time of year. I love the beautiful lights and went with some friends to see a gorgeous display last night. So much fun!

My son and his wife will be joining us this year and we’ll probably be getting together with my 2 brothers and their wives and our dad. Seeing family and friends makes the holidays so special.

I enjoy the cooler weather and, since I live in Texas and not further north, I don’t have to contend with much really nasty winter stuff – ice, snow, blizzards, raging freezing winds, etc. A few cooler temperatures and chilly breezes are more than enough for me!

I’m a huge crafter so I make my own Christmas cards and some gifts. The creative process is always satisfying and rewarding. I’ve added some pics of a few cards I made this year.

Picking the right gift person for different people can be challenging but also fun. I try to take into account each person’s personality, likes and dislikes and any needs they may have.

I also try to stop and take time to acknowledge some of the gifts I’ve been given – which are many. I’ll share a few with you.

  • I’m so aware of my blessings this time of year. I’m thankful for my health, family members, including my 3 furry babies (so sweet!), my friends, and my small, cozy home.

  • I am truly blessed in the work I do. Not only can I support myself and my family, I get to help other people while I do it. This is truly a win-win situation!

  • My faith is the bedrock of my life and I thank God (literally!) for it. During the Christmas season I’m truly aware of how blessed I am to be part of God’s family and what a huge privilege that is.

What about you? When is the last time you took stock to see where you stand? What gifts are you giving to those you love and, more importantly, what gifts have you received that you’re thankful for?

Here’s a thought to leave you with, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord,” Luke 2:11. Merry Christmas everyone!

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 Waco Hypnosis Center

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