Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I hope you had an amazing Christmas with your family and friends and that you’ll have a great 2019 as well.
However, I have a confession to make. I didn’t accomplish everything I wanted to get done this year. Worse than that, I ate too much (especially during the holidays), didn’t exercise enough, and was not nearly as productive as I wanted to be.
Since most of this happened between Halloween and Christmas it’s pretty understandable. It’s actually fairly common.
And when I get off track, I know what to do to get myself headed back in the right direction. I work with several coaches who help keep me focused, I start following my food plan again, I check in with my accountability partner and I get support from friends and family.
But it dawned on me that lots of people get off track and then stay – well, stuck. And they may have a tough time getting themselves where they really want to be:
Fired up
I know this because I talk to people about it all the time. I did that just this morning with a very smart, capable woman who’s been temporarily knocked off track due to some personal issues she’s going through. It happens a lot.
So I decided to do something about it. I thought about what I need when I’m stuck and what my clients have told me over the years. What they want and need, and what has helped and what hasn’t.
The result is that I’ve created my On Track packages. They combine personal coaching with hypnosis and REALLY help people get unstuck and moving forward in a better direction.
So what about you? Does the following describe you (or someone you know)?
Spinning your wheels and going over the same ground again and again?
Feeling overwhelmed, stressed and frustrated (like the woman I spoke with this morning)?
Knowing that you’re capable of much more than you’re currently doing but not sure how to start improving?
If this sounds or feels very familiar don’t give up! Things CAN improve. I’d love to talk to you about my On Track packages to see if one of them might be what you’re looking for.
If you’re interested in finding out more, please contact me (254-722-6716 or to schedule a free, no-pressure, 15-20 minute call. I’ll ask you some questions to see where you are and what you need and I’ll tell you what I offer. Then we’ll see if we’re a good match.
Be aware though – LOTS of people want to get moving around New Year so I expect these packages to be very popular. I can only schedule a certain number at a time. Once I’m full I’ll start putting people on my waiting list.
So if you’d like to reserve a spot for yourself – and make 2019 your best year ever! – contact me today and see if an On Track package is right for you!
I’d love to help you get unstuck and moving into success!