Ramp Up Your Rest!
When I assess clients to see what their issues are, I routinely ask how they're sleeping. I've done this for years and I'm always amazed at how many people do NOT sleep well on a regular basis.
Insomnia can have serious consequences - such as:
*You may depend on caffeine and sugar to get you going in the morning
*You may shorten or completely skip your exercise time
*At night instead of cooking a healthy meal you may stop for fatty, high calorie take out food
*Fatigue can cause brain fog which can lead to poor decisions and memory lapses
So if this is ongoing issue for you, try the following:
*Turn off ALL electronics an hour before bedtime
*During that hour read a book or take a warm bath/shower
*Make sure your room is dark and cool
*Make your bed as comfortable as possible - have good quality pillows and bed linens
*Do not allow animals or children to sleep in the bed with you
*Have a white noise machine and/or a nature sound machine in your room
*Try a cup of chamomile tea
*Have an essential oil diffuser in your room and put lavender oil in it
*Do not - watch TV, work or argue in your bedroom - reserve it for sleep
